Take-In Repair Service Prices:

Diagnostic = FREE!

PC Tune-Up = FREE!

Virus, adware, or spyware removal = $40.00

Operating System Installation (System Recovery) = $50.00

Data backup, transfer, or recovery = $20.00 (Included in System Recovery)

Software Installation = $15.00 (2 for $20.00 / 3 for $30.00 / 4 for $40.00 / 5 for only $45.00!)

Hard Drive Installation = $20.00

DVD, CD, Blu-Ray Drive Installation = $20.00

Graphics Card Installation = $20.00 ($25.00 for dual, $30 for quad)

RAM Installation = $20.00 (TOTAL, Not per stick)

Processor Upgrade = $40.00

Power Supply Unit Installation = $40.00

Desktop Motherboard Installation (Build a Desktop) = $135.00 (Includes installation of other hardware)

Laptop Motherboard Installation = Prices Vary

Fan Installation = $15.00

TV-Tuner Installation = $30.00

*Please call or email us for any take-in service prices not mentioned above!

In-Home or In-Office Repair Service Prices:

Basic Network Configuration = $75.00

Advanced Networking = Fees vary, please call or email and ask for an estimate

Diagnostic = $30.00

PC Tune-Up = $30.00

Virus, adware, or spyware removal = $60.00

Operating System Installation (System Recovery) = $75.00

Data backup, transfer, or recovery = $60.00 (up to 50 Gb for home or office, can be time-consuming)

Software Installation = $30.00 (2 for $35.00 / 3 for $40.00 / 4 for $50.00 / 5 for only $55.00!)

Hard Drive Installation = $50.00

DVD, CD, Blu-Ray Drive Installation = $50.00

Graphics Card Installation = $50.00 ($75.00 for dual, $100 for quad)

RAM Installation = $50.00 (TOTAL, Not per stick)

Processor Upgrade = $100.00

Desktop Motherboard Installation (Build a Desktop) = $225.00

Fan Installation = $40.00

TV-Tuner Installation & Configuration = $100.00

*Please call or email us for any in-home or in-office service prices not mentioned above!

*Jobs requiring more than four hours of hands-on service at your home or office will entail a $30.00 per hour service charge, beginning at the end of the fourth hour.  This is why fees vary for advanced networking work, although most services rarely take more than two hours to complete (three for some data backups or system recoveries).